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What's On

Find the latest information about events taking place near you, surrounding areas and in the city to celebrate Glasgow's 850th Birthday.

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We will kick off the year with a spectacular concert as part of the world-renowned Celtic Connections in January, along with an enhanced St Mungo Festival programme, celebrating the city's patron saint.

Our Glasgow 850 Festival programme will see the city's much loved festivals adding Glasgow 850 content to their 2025 programme. From Glasgow Film Festival and Glasgow Comedy Festival at the beginning of the year through to TRNSMT, Glasgow Mela, Piping Live! and then our winter season beginning with GlasGlow, it will ensure there are as many ways as possible to engage across the year.  Our signature event programme will see the city celebrate heritage, food and music at key points in the year.

What's On

Listing of Glasgow 850 Events.

Glasgow 850 Programme

Find out what's happening throughout 2025.

January: Celtic Connections

The festival's iconic annual Opening Concert marking Glasgow 850.

April: Taste the Place

Opportunity for locals and visitors to learn more about the history of Glasgow's hospitality scene.

May: Clyde Chorus

Glasgow is a vibrant music city stretching across all genres, from contemporary to classical and Celtic to Country.

People's Palace Pop Up

People's Palace on Tour throughout the Year.

Festival Programme

Listing of festival and events who received Festival Funding.

Promote Your Event

Learn about how you can promote your event as part of Glasgow 850.

What's On Video

Short Video on what's on during the Glasgow's 850th Celebrations.

Glasgow 850th Programme

About Glasgow 850th Programme.

Resident Offers

Glasgow Attractions exclusive offers to celebrate Glasgow 850.

The Great Big Glasgow Poem

To celebrate Glasgow 850th anniversary, we are collecting lines for a Great Big Poem about what Glasgow means to you.

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