Advice and guidance for businesses can be found below.
Business Engagement
With 2025 being such a significant year for the city we want to make sure that everyone, including businesses of different sizes and sectors, have an opportunity to be involved in Glasgow 850. Whether using the celebration as a platform to showcase products and services, as a way to connect with your suppliers and customers, networking, or as a staff engagement tool, there are lots of creative and interesting ways to link to the project and our free to use brand.
We've pulled all the relevant information about Glasgow 850 and suggestions about how businesses may want to get involved into one handy guide. The document can be viewed and downloaded here.
We have also produced an easy to use Glasgow 850 brand toolkit with all of the branding, digital assets and artwork available to download and use, for free. Using these digital assets on your social media channels, website and emails is a quick and simple way for your business to show support for Glasgow 850. Download the brand toolkit here (opens new window).
If you are planning an activation or offer, we would love to hear about it and help promote it on our Glasgow 850 channels. We know already there are various ideas in the pipeline from some Glasgow institutions, so get in touch at Glasgow 850. Similarly, please get in touch if you'd like to hear more about the year. The team are more than happy to come along to business meetings and events to tell your audiences about Glasgow 850 and the programme.